[cvsnt] Re: Moved repository to different computer

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Fri Jan 9 07:50:51 GMT 2004

I have a feeling that you should wait a while before deploying new versions of CVSNT.
Tony was doing a lot of stuff over Xmas and released a quick succession of new versions.
There has been reports of a number of issues coming up with these, so until it has
all settled down and become stable again I would use version 2.0.14 or thereabouts.

Of course, this applies if you are *not* testing out the new stuff for the benefit of
finding the bugs for Tony to fix. In that case you should use the latest and report
what you find. Everyone doing that helps further the product.


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Lee Grissom
Sent: den 9 januari 2004 08:40
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Re: Moved repository to different computer

Lee Grissom wrote:
> I had my repository set up on one computer, but had to move it over to
> a different machine.

Hmmm, I also changed CVSNT from 2.0.16 to 2.0.19.  Perhaps a bug was

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