[cvsnt] Update no longer clears conflict in entries

Stuart Stevens stuart_stevens at sierralogic.com
Thu Jul 1 18:13:57 BST 2004

We recently updated from a local server on the network to a CVSNT 2.0.41
server under Linux.  Our users are using WinCVS ver 1.3.13 (CVSNT 2.0.8) and
1.3.17 (2.0.41a).

The users noticed that after resolving a conflict and running update the
"entries" file no longer removes the conflict marker.  In the CVSGUI forum
this was mentioned as the normal behavior.  Some users are still

Is this normal expected behavior?

Was there some reason why the conflict marker was removed with ":local:"
access and not with ":pserver:" access?

Am I just way off base here???

Stuart Stevens

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