[cvsnt] cvsnt and eclipse

Chris Morris cvsnt at clabs.org
Tue Jul 13 16:30:29 BST 2004

Chris Morris wrote:

> Anyone care to help a dense-headed soul who can't get Eclipse (3.0) 
> configured properly? I only see the CVS Repository dialog as a way to 
> enter the data, and I'm not sure how to get the above connect string 
> broken down into the right edit box widgets on their form.

Some more info.

First off, I grabbed extnt.exe and .ini from 2.0.47-bin.zip, just those 
two files, but them in my WinCVS/CVSNT folder, rest of the versions in 
there is 2.0.34 [Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.34 
(client/server)] -- should this work?

Eclipse 3.0, I found the Window | Preferences | Team -> CVS -> Ext 
Connection Method.

CVS_RSH is set to: C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs\CVSNT\extnt.exe
Parameters is: {host} -l {user}
CVS_SERVER is: MyCvsNtServer

Added a new CVS repository entry:

Host: MyCvsNtServer
Repository Path: e:/cvs
User: DOMAIN/first.last
Password: {NT Password}
Connection Type: ext

[x] Use Default Port.

With all this, I get:

The server reported an error while performing the "cvs valid-requests" 
   : [extnt] Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password
   : [extnt] SSL conneciton failed: error:140770FC:SSL 
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocolerror 0 [extnt] 
Connection failed

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