[cvsnt] CVS v. CVSNT

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Jul 15 15:51:42 BST 2004

Tony Hoyle wrote:

>>that CVSNT has implemented in the same time. Yet the CVSNT docs are only 
>>behind current development a few weeks or so. Strange, considering how 
>>many people are behind GNU CVS while CVSNT is basically maintained by a 
>>single person. Kudos to Tony!
> I'm flattered, but my documentation skills aren't that good... I know
> there are serious holes in the docs as they stand (getting better as
> docbook is very easy to work with) and I'm not really satisfied with
> them at the moment.

OK, if it makes you feel less flattered, I'll say the Kudos were for the 
overall effort, not specifically for the docs. Most of all I was 
comparing the up-to-dateness of the CVSNT docs with that of the GNU CVS 
docs, even though I just had another look to make sure and it doesn't 
seem to be as bad anymore as it was when I last checked...

Still, ... :)


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JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
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