[cvsnt] Can I use pserver on Linux under not root account?

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Mon Jul 19 14:08:18 BST 2004

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 17:07:37 +0400, "Gennady G. Marchenko"
<gennady.marchenko at iss.ru> wrote:

>chroot with cvsd unsupported too?
>I don't have a choice: or i run it from non-root account or run it from chroot env... all these function is not supported by cvsnt?
Running under a non-root account has never been supported by cvs (of
any flavour) since it needs to be able to change its user id...
Aliasing all the users in passwd to the same user works (since you are
able to change to your own user id) and is the way it's been achieved
in the past.

I believe cvsd is designed only for standard Unix cvs, although you
could ask the author whether he's prepared to support cvsnt - it's not
something I can do anything about as it's entirely a separate


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