[cvsnt] Still having troubles with cvs rename

Andreas Tscharner andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
Mon Jun 14 15:15:39 BST 2004

Hello World, hello Tony,

cvs rename still removes files from my sandbox. Here is a transcript 
from what I did (exactly in that order and no delays (except for typing) 
between them):

--- Start ---
D:\Metromec\misc\Test\Test2>cvs version
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.44 (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.44 (client/server)

  Datenträger in Laufwerk D: ist Data
  Volumeseriennummer: 9072-8BF7

  Verzeichnis von D:\Metromec\misc\Test\Test2

14.06.2004  16:08    <DIR>          .
14.06.2004  16:08    <DIR>          ..
07.06.2004  08:53             3'683 FCR25.xml
07.06.2004  08:53             5'904 FCR25.xsd
                2 Datei(en)          9'587 Bytes
                2 Verzeichnis(se),  9'122'447'360 Bytes frei

D:\Metromec\misc\Test\Test2>cvs rename FCR25.xml FlexibleChangerRack25.xml

  Datenträger in Laufwerk D: ist Data
  Volumeseriennummer: 9072-8BF7

  Verzeichnis von D:\Metromec\misc\Test\Test2

14.06.2004  16:08    <DIR>          .
14.06.2004  16:08    <DIR>          ..
07.06.2004  08:53             5'904 FCR25.xsd
07.06.2004  08:53             3'683 FlexibleChangerRack25.xml
                2 Datei(en)          9'587 Bytes
                2 Verzeichnis(se),  9'122'447'360 Bytes frei

D:\Metromec\misc\Test\Test2>cvs commit
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs server: Examining .
cvs server: Up-to-date check failed for `FlexibleChangerRack25.xml'
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!
cvs commit: saving log message in C:\temp\cvs1E4.tmp

D:\Metromec\misc\Test\Test2>cvs update
cvs server: Updating .
cvs server: nothing known about FlexibleChangeRack25.DAT
cvs server: FlexibleChangerRack25.xml is no longer in the repository
cvs server: nothing known about READMEFIRST
--- End ---

As you can see, the newly renamed file (FlexibleChangerRack25.xml) is 
removed from my sandbox.
The other two files cvs mentions (FlexibleChangeRack25.DAT and 
READMEFIRST) are files that were removed from my sandbox with the same 
technique (e.g. cvs rename)

What's wrong?
Andreas Tscharner                          andreas.tscharner at metromec.ch
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