[cvsnt] Newbie Question

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Wed Jun 23 15:49:59 BST 2004

> From: Berkley, Donna -CIV [mailto:donna.berkley at cnet.navy.mil] 
> First, must I use Windows 2000 Server or can I set the CVS 
> Server part up on a plain Windows 2000 pc on our network ?    

As long as it understands your authentication method, you'll be OK.  So,
if you plan to use Windows authentication within your Windows domain,
the PC must be a Windows domain member.  It probably already is.

I'm not just saying this - I have the CVSNT server running successfully
on a XP Professional box at home for the projects I don't want to put on

>  Second, on either a plain Win2000 pc or Win2000 Server will 
> we run into the max connection limit of 10 connections that 
> seems to be an issue when you try to share drives ?  

No, you won't.  CVS[NT] uses TCP/IP sockets between server and client,
not NetBIOS over TCP/IP, so you won't run into this problem at all.
Further than that, I would *very strongly* suggest you don't even share
out the CVS repository/ies over NetBIOS (Windows file sharing) at all,
as prying eyes and fingers cannot then damage it - only the CVS server
processes should need to touch that filestore.  Nicht gefingerpoken and
all that...

		- Peter
Peter Crowther, Director, Melandra Limited

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