[cvsnt] Re: CVS or Subversion?

irodriguez perez irodriguezp at cirsa.com
Tue Jun 29 13:40:37 BST 2004

> Is there anybody that can give us some good
> arguments to throw at those people why we shouldn't turn over to 
> subversion?

we have the same discussion here, and my argument is on the client part. 
We have
WNT 4 server and WNT clients, the GUI that we use is principally WinCVS 
and at the
moment i can't find a GUI in SVN that it can compare with WinCVS. I don't 
Tortoise environment very much (also i haven't could install TSVN on WNT) 
i prefer WinCVS to RapidSVN (RapidSVN is very "young" at the moment). 
Another argument is
that in SVN GUI's doesn't exists "graphs views" and all my users are using 
this feature
with regularity.

Also SVN doesn't give me today any feature that cvsnt doesn't have, so if 
i lose somethings
and i doesn't have a anything new, what is the reason for the change?

This is my opinion actually, but if someday SVN offers more features than 
CVS(nt) or
its GUI's are more friendly than WinCVS then i will prefer SVN (for 
example i hate
the reserved checkouts in CVSnt specially with the directories (modules) 
where there are
binary files and text files on these directory or on a subdirectory).



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