[cvsnt] Re: Problem with committing a file

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed Mar 17 11:17:12 GMT 2004

On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 11:03:16 +0100, "Federico Grilli"
<federicogSPAM_RAUS!@gruppoinit.it> wrote:

>When trying to commit a certain file to the repository, I get the following
>error from CVS: "cvs [commit aborted]: could not find desired version 1.11
>in m:\sigepro/public_html/login.jsp,v". I have cvs version 1.11.9.
>Any idea to solve the problem?

Looks like you are on the wrong list...
This one is about CVSNT, the Windows NT falvor of CVS and it is on
version 2.0.34 or even higher.
Your version number suggests standard CVS from cvshome.org, please
check there for a solution to your problem.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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