[cvsnt] [Away From Office] Notice again

Mark Jeftovic mark at easydns.com
Wed May 5 13:20:59 BST 2004

[ This is an automagic response from Mark Jeftovic's mailbOT. Apologies
  up front if this goes out to a mailing list, it should be the only one
  you receive. If not, feel free to unsubscribe me and send me a note so
  I can re-sub when I get back, thanks. ]

I am away from the office until May 7th/2004.

Please note the following contact info in my absence:

Technical Issues, .CA issues, and ISP level support: 

	contact Tamas Acs, tacs at myprivacy.ca
		 416.535.8672 ext 230


	contact Simon Carr, scarr at easydns.com
		 416.535.8672 ext 261

General easyDNS Support or Billing issues:

	contact support at easydns.com or billing at easydns.com
		 416.535.8672 ext 2

For Business Development Issues 

	contact John Schmidt, john at easydns.com
		416.535.8672 ext 223

Thanks, and I will talk to you upon my return.


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