[cvsnt] Problems with login into local server

Eric A. Gravel egravel_fl at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 3 23:50:40 GMT 2004

I've been trying to install and configure a test repository on my machine.  
Installation and
creating repository went fine but when I try to connect from command line, 
it fails.  I get
an error message stating:  "cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server 
XXXX: -1: Unknown

I did some searching and saw that it might be a firewall or anti-virus 
software issue.  So I
uninstalled Norton Internet Security as well as their Anti-Virus software.  
I also went into
my linksys router and disabled firewall and made sure port forwarding for 
2401 was going
to my internal ip for the cvs server.  That didn't work.  So I thought it 
might be a turned
off service so I reverted to default profile but still nothing.  Only thing 
left that I can think
of is that I run CyberPatrol on the same machine cvs is install.  I would 
rather not uninstall
it since it's being used by my kids.  But could that software be causing 
above problem?

Another observation... I was able to connect to 
:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.apache.org:/home/cvspublic
using WSAD/Eclipse 5.1.2.  So it doesn't seem to indicate that my cvs client 
is not working...
just my cvs server! argh... so annoying.

Any other suggestion as to what I can try?  I'm thinking I could also try 
plugging machine
directly to DSL modem.  This is not the best option since I loose the router 
& its firewall
security.  My last resort is to format and reinstall the machine but even 
that doesn't
guarantee it'll work.



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