[cvsnt] Re: Current best version... [Was CVSNT & File Permissions]

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Nov 18 15:00:51 GMT 2004

John Cole wrote:
> One thing I would like to add on this, as I'm one of those not quite willing
> to upgrade just yet :-), is that TortoiseCVS is currently shipping 51d and
> not 58d.
> Since we make extensive use of cvs acl's and those changed between these
> versions, we are sticking to pre 58d.

Makes sense... the new ACLs take a little getting used to (although 
they're actually more consistent).

It was unfortunately impossible to make them compatible as it was a 
change in the way that the ACLs processed (the old version is from some 
pre-cvsnt patches although it'd been mostly rewritten - the new stuff 
scales a lot better so shouldn't require any nasty upgrades in the future).

> I've always thought that the 'noise' level about a release on this list was
> a very good indicator as to how safe a new version has been :-)  The noise
> about 58d has been going down steadily lately, so I'm hoping that the issues
> with that release have been worked through.

I think so.  That's pretty much how I gauge it too...  There will always 
be problems for some, with so many users (I've seen the numbers, and 
it's a lot higher than you'd guess by looking at the list..)

> Fortunately, my main cvs server (2.0.41a) is rock solid, and my hot spare
> (2.0.51b) is too, so I don't have any pressing need to upgrade.

Makes sense to me.  If it works, don't worry about it...


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