[cvsnt] Import generates conflict messages, why???

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Nov 23 23:56:13 GMT 2004

> Well, after all of my 4 imports I went to another place and checked
> out the module ImpTest and got all the files that were imported. But
> since the checkout retrieved the head of the vendor branch and I had
> removed file1 and added file5 at the 3rd import I expected the branch
> head to contain only files 2..5, but in fact all files came out.

After the import where you had removed files, did you do the merge/commit
thingy I pointed out in one of my earlier posts in this thread? Otherwise,
checking out HEAD will still return the removed files as they are not yet
"offically" cvs removed. They merely don't carry the latest release tag...
you will only /not/ get them if you explicitly request the specific release
(or a later one) that doesn't contain them anymore. Which leads us back to
your other problem...

> The updates I did to retrieve the tags were done both via WinCvs and
> on the command line with the same error result.
> Here is the result of cvs ver:
> Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.51 (client/server)
> Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.38 (client/server)

I have no idea about this. I do this on a regular basis and never ever had
this problem so far. "This" here referring to checking out/updating
revisions that were created by update imports by release tag.

> (Yes my test server needs an update, but since it is also the one
> where I keep all of my "opensource" stuff like CVSMailer and the
> ViewCvs installer I don't want to mess too much with it.)

That's not really a _test_ server then, is it? ;)


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
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