[cvsnt] Re: Synchronizing two CVS servers

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Nov 30 22:23:40 GMT 2004

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:42:11 +0200, "mada" <no.spam at no.spam.org>

>> If the files had been ordinary text source files then updates and
>> commits would only send small amounts of data over the network. But
>> CVS cannot handle non-text files this way.
>I hope msoffice files are handled as text files, though! Otherwise I'll
>start taking my notes and writing my texts in HTML :)))))))
MS-Office usually stored data in binary files (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt
etc). All of these formats are NOT possible to merge and therefore
they are treated by CVS as binary.
But in recent MSOffice (I don't know this it is just by hearsay, I
have Office 2000 myself) there is a possibility to store the documents
as XML, which is text. And the Word documents could also be stored as
RTF format, which is also text and can be merged. Of course if you do
HTML then you also have text format, but I don't know about images in
that case...

But you have to check each type of document you use, preferably using
a hex editor like UltraEdit to find out if they are text or binary
before you decide which type to use.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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