[cvsnt] Re: Missing author bug in 2.0.58 when cvs invoked by postcommit script

John Kinson cvs at yellowradio.com
Tue Oct 5 14:43:25 BST 2004

>> Any chance this could be fixed please?  I assume it's still acceptable 
>> for a postcommit trigger script to use cvs to perform an additional 
>> commit?
> It's not a good idea as the script will be called again and you can get 
> into a loop.

True, but my script handles that - that's not a problem for me.

> I don't see how postcommit/postcommand can cause that - in fact the 
> author field has absolutely no link with anything to do with postcommit. 
>  It's also not optional... the very first thing written to a new 
> revision is the author and will never be 'missing'.

Here's the head of the ,v file after my postcommit script has created 
revision 1.12:

head	1.12;
locks; strict;
comment	@# @;

date	2004.;	author ;	state Exp;
next	1.11;
deltatype	text;
permissions	644;
commitid	8f4416289970550;
kopt	kv;
filename	@Changelog.txt@;

date	2004.;	author SYSTEM;	state Exp;
next	1.10;
deltatype	text;
permissions	644;
commitid	128416287e97fd3;
kopt	kv;
filename	@Changelog.txt@;


As you can see, revision 1.12 has no author, which is clearly a bug. 
The cvsnt server process should never write a ,v file with an 
author-less revision.

> I suspect this is unrelated to postcommit and something else is going 
> on.  Try removing the postcommit and committing a few things.  Do you 
> have any AV on the server?

If I rollback the server to 2.0.51, the script works - the author for 
the created revision is SYSTEM.  If I upgrade the server to 2.0.58, my 
script stops working.  Given that 2.0.52 introduced changes to the SSPI 
domain processing (usernames are recorded as @DOMAIN\username@, rather 
than @username@), isn't this a likely source of the bug when "cvs 
commit" is invoked as SYSTEM?



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