[cvsnt] Disabling repository prefix in CVSNT 2.0.58b

nathaniel.kanner at weil.com nathaniel.kanner at weil.com
Thu Oct 21 18:11:42 BST 2004

Hello, I am using CVSNT 2.0.58b and have encountered the bug with IBM 
Websphere Studio Application Developer (based on Eclipse), being unable to 
handle repository prefixes with CVSNT.  I understand that the common 
workaround is to disable the repository prefix, but I am unable to locate 
this feature on CVSNT 2.0.58b.  I understand another workaround is to "Run 
as Unix Server" in previous versions, but I don't see this option in the 
latest release either.  Please help!

Best regards,
Nathaniel Kanner (nathaniel.kanner at weil.com)

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