[cvsnt] Re: Upgrading from 2.0.40 to 2.058b: Problems with permissions

Johannes Kilian jok at vitronic.de
Mon Oct 25 15:33:44 BST 2004

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> The upgrade reinstalls the service.  If you want to run the service as 
> another user (which isn't recommended anyway) you'll have to do that 
> on each upgrade.  CVSNT has its own settings for running as a specific 
> user - it's recommended you use those instead.

What are the reasons that it's not  recommended to run the service as 
another user? We've done this since we are using CVSNT (since its 
earliest days) and had never problems with it ... What are the 
advantages of using the CVS specific settings? I need good arguments to 
justify the switch to your recommended method ...

>> BTW: Why does a simple file commit (no rename action performed by 
>> user) cause a cvs rename?
> The write to the file is always done on a temporary file, then renamed.

So who hasn't got the permissions to rename? I can't figure it out yet. 
Googling for my problem, leds me to several entries concerning a 
possible solution:
1.) Hanging cvs.exe on the server side - not true in my case
2.) Insufficient permissions on the several Lock-Directories (directory 
(and its child directories) specified in the LockDir option 
<http://durak.org/cvswebsites/doc/cvs_177.php>  (not used in my case) 
and in the "temp" directory which is specified via the | TEMP| and |TMP| 
environment variables (on the client) and via the CVSNT control panel 
applet on the server.) - permissions ARE sufficent in my case (temporary 
files are created in these directories during the attempt to commit ... 
so the rename step seems to fail ...)
3.) Problems with lock-server -cannot figure out any problems yet...

Maybe the problem result from running the cvslock-service as another 
user (CVSUser). My CVSUser is member of system adminstrator group and 
should have all privileges of an administrator.
Is it possible that the rename-process has still a bug there?

As far as I see, a commit is done in the following steps:
* Commited file is send to the 
                                    < Works with me!
* Lockserver creates a temporary copy of the file in the temporary 
directory (as set on CVSNT-Panel)      < Works with me! Temporary file 
is created in temporary directory!
* Transaction from lockserver temporary file to CVS-Repository including 
file rename                                < FAILS!!!!

What happens???



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