[cvsnt] Stop cvsnt 'crash dump' dialog?

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Wed Oct 27 17:44:20 BST 2004

> From: Tony Hoyle [mailto:tmh at nodomain.org] 
> CVSNT shouldn't crash, ever.  If it does I want the crashdump 
> so I can fix it.
> There's no point in disabling it, as you should never see it in the 
> first place.

Unfortunately, there's 'should' and there's 'does' - reality ain't
always that clean.  I try pretty hard to ensure that the servers I write
will continue to run in a lights-out environment - or, if they fail,
that someone is notified and life goes on.

Given that more folks are running CVSNT on boxes with consoles that are
monitored irregularly if at all, is it worth adding a couple of entries
to the wish list?:

- An option to cause a crash dump to be automatically generated to a
<location> / ask / never generated (defaults to 'Ask');

- An option that the main service looks for new crash dumps at intervals
and, if one is found, sends the simplest possible message from <address>
to <address> via <smtp server> - this code should port to Win32 and *NIX
relatively well, and I've not come across a production environment
recently that doesn't have an available SMTP server *somewhere*.

This would mean you'd be more likely to see the crash dumps - if you
included instructions in the email, people would be more likely to send
them to you, rather than not knowing what to do to them.

What do you think?

		- Peter

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