[cvsnt] Re: :sspi: without username specification

david.arendash at manyone.net david.arendash at manyone.net
Fri Oct 29 21:16:02 BST 2004

Thanks, but I'm trying to use Tortoise. Do I have the option?
I tried not supplying a user name but then it didn't ask for
a password or anything, and 'failed to create folder'.

The client (workstation) - Does that have to have the exact same
user setup as the server? Meaning, if I have an account Dave
in CVSNT, and on the CVSNT server, does my workstation have
to have a Dave account, with same password, or what? And
do I need to use the passwd thing (config file)? I'm really
very clueless about XP and users and accounts.

I'm hoping to use CVSNT via Tortoise from a few different machines,
as we have machines dedicated to different aspects, such as
code, art, documents, and all are on different workstations.

Thanks again

Dave A.

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:56:47 +0200, Bo Berglund wrote:

>On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 14:08:56 -0400, "Prochazka, Jan"
><Jan.Prochazka at brooks.com> wrote:
>>>But if I set  CVSROOT=:sspi:Server:/cvs/archive
>>>(note no user), I can login using any password,
>>>and I can then 'cvs ls'
>>I realized the same behavior in our environment (win2kserver with 2.0.58a
>>server, sspi protocol, 2.0.58a client at win2kprof) It allowed me to do
>>everything without 'cvs login' even after I changed my win domain password.
>>However if I tried the same from client not logged to domain, cvs asked for
>>Looks like :sspi: protocol bug, but i did not investigate any deeper.
>SSPI works like this:
>1) You log in to Windows when you start your workstation.
>2) At this time you are authenticated against the domain or local
>3) Next you use SSPI without any name specification or login to
>connect to CVSNT.
>4) Now the username you are logged in as in Windows will be used also
>for this connection
>If you specify :sspi:user at server:/repo then you need to do a cvs login
>because then you are overriding your Windows login with another
>username and so you must do a login.
>Simple really...
>(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
>cvsnt mailing list
>cvsnt at cvsnt.org

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