[cvsnt] Impossing a pattern for rtagging a module

Gallardo Rico, Alberto Ramon agallardo at indra.es
Thu Sep 16 10:14:53 BST 2004

After reading the html manual pages about Administrative files ( https://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs-1.11.17/cvs_18.html#SEC158), I thought it was possible to stablish a politic in naming tags for modules, similarly as it's done with the "taginfo" file, in the "modules" administrative file.
I have found that this line in "modules" causes cvs to invoque command c after an rtag command:
    mod -t /home/user/bin/c &mod1
I would like that if this command returns something other than 0, the rtag command aborts, just as if it would do if it was invoqued from taginfo file.
I'm interested in "modules" file command, and not in "taginfo" because I would like to impose different restrictions bassed on the module that I'm rtagging.
Is it in any way possible?
Thanks in advance,
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