[cvsnt] Re: Import Question

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Apr 26 11:02:33 BST 2005

MM wrote:

> Import does not seem to be working as I expected.
> A while back, I imported a source distribution:
> cvs import -m "Initial import" Project/Source Vendor Release1
> It seemed to work just fine. We've modified several of the files
> since then on the Vendor branch.

Do you really mean *on* the vendor branch as in "our changes were
committed as rev 1.1.1.something"? If so, that's not the way you're
supposed to do it. The vendor branch is intended exclusively for
revisions created by the respective third-party. Your own changes
should be committed on the trunk and when you receive new releases you
should afterwards merge them onto the trunk (i.e. with your changes).
When the vendor changes overlap with your own you will get conflicts at
that point.

> Now we've received a new release and
> I want to import it but keep our changes. Based on the manual, I
> tried:
> cvs import -m "New release" Project/Source Vendor Release2
> I expected it to flag conflicts on the files we've updated

In CVS the only situation that could produce a conflict is when you
perform a merge. Import does not involve any merging however. It just
unconditionally commits new revisions to a branch.

Hope this helps.

----  ------------------
JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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