[cvsnt] Sandbox within a Sandbox

Scott Teglasi steglasi at subpacket.com
Fri Apr 29 01:46:08 BST 2005


I have a module in CVS that contains code that I re-use in a number of 
different websites.  It resides in its own directory in a site's 
webtree, essentially self-contained. 

However, I want to be able to put the rest of a site under its own 
module as well.  Is it possible to accomplish having a sandbox within a 
sandbox, but are part of separate modules? 

To illustrate my point, here's an example site tree:

mywebsite/               (Module 1 in CVS)
+-- css/                 (Module 1)
+-- images/              (Module 1)
+-- my_reusable_code/    (Module 2 in CVS)
   +-- a_directory/      (Module 2)
   +-- my_php_script.php (Module 2)
+--default.php           (Module 1)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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