[cvsnt] Re: bad address...

John Cole john.cole at uai.com
Thu Aug 4 23:02:22 BST 2005

  No AV on that machine (I haven't loaded it yet, I rebuilt that machine

  This is on a checkout so I don't see how anything else could open the file
besides cvs.



-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf Of
Tony Hoyle
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 4:22 PM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Re: bad address...

John Cole wrote:
>      [exec]   -> MoveFile returned error 00000020
>      [exec] cvs.exe [checkout aborted]: cannot rename file _new_uaCMgm.msm
> to ua
> CMgm.msm: Bad address
>      [exec] U 2x/MapObjects/Components/uaCMgm/uaCMgm.msm
> -------------------------------------------
Error 0x20 is 'file in use' (Win32 maps almost every error code to 'Bad 
address' unfortunately).

Do you have AV loaded?  That could be scanning the file & would stop 
cvsnt working.  An alternative is something actually has that file 
open.. is it open in an editor for example?

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