[cvsnt] Seeing what was changed on a branch

Nitzan Shaked calius at netvision.net.il
Sat Aug 6 17:02:32 BST 2005


I have a branch on which I've worked for a while, and now wish to see what I've done, before blindly doing update -j on the HEAD branch.

I figured out that I can see the list of files I've changed by doing "log -S -R -rbranchname", but that's too little information.

What I would really like to do is to checkout the repository as it was when I first branched, and then use my favourite differ to diff that to what I have already on my disk. Something like:

nitzans ~/proj/mybranch> cvs checkout -d ~/proj/before_mybranch -r mybranch -<magic option to tell -r I mean "first revision of each file in mybranch">

nitzans ~/proj/mybranch> meld ~/proj/mybranch ~/proj/before_mybranch

Any ideas?


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