[cvsnt] Re: malformed header from script. Bad header=HTTP/1.1 301 Moved

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Aug 14 18:46:15 BST 2005

On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 09:47:52 +0300, "Eng. Mina Ramses" 
>I'm running CVSNT-2.5.01, CVSWEB(NT), ActivePerl 5.6 and Gnu's RCS on
>Apache1.3 and WinXP HE SP2 box , i followed the following
>configuration guide :

>- I have the RCS directory in C:\RCS

I don't think that cvsweb has been updated to handle the new file
formats CVSNT is using (I might be wrong).
Your best bet is to look at ViewCvs instead, it uses the cvs.exe of
CVSNT to parse the RCS files rather than using the 10 years old GNU
RCS utilities.

I have put together a Windows installer for ViewCvs that includes all
of the needed utilities as well as a rather new version of the ViewCvs
files here:


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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