[cvsnt] Re: login to cvs using pserver

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Dec 1 22:24:28 GMT 2005

On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 21:54:42 +0100, Miro ©imko <miro.satan at gmail.com>

>Thanks for input.
>1. pserver is installed and running.
> >cvs info
>Available protocols:
>local               (internal)
>pserver             pserver 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2151
>2. I use one way of login when using protocol pserver( then /sklad is 
>mapped to c:/cvs/repo/sklad),
>when using local( no protocol?), I have to write full path( name /sklad 
>doesn't work),
>but it does not matter. I just show that my cvs repository is working.

No, you don't show this. You just show that the cvs.exe program on
your PC can process local files in the given path. When running
:local: there is absolutely *no* connection at all done to the server,
so it could in fact not exist or is shut down and it would still work!
Local means that the local cvs.exe itself accesses the repository
files and reads and writes them all by itself. As you might understand
this is not a client/server scenario at all...

>After solving the problem with that pserver protocol, I'll use just that 
>one way.

Take a look at my updated Installation Tips for CVSNT 2.5 and it might
help you sort these things out:

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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