[cvsnt] CVSNT Repository Help

Mic Julia every_thing_freezes at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 16 11:05:06 GMT 2005

I have been recently charged with the task of downloading and installing and testing CVSNT for my company. We currently have another source management tool called PVCS. I have downloaded and installed CVSNT 2.5.03 Build 2182. I have also installed WinCvs 2.02.4 Build 4, along with Python 2.4.2 and WinMerge. I was subscribed to the CVSGUI newsgroup but was told that since I am approaching this from an Admin side that I would be better off directing the questions to this group.   
  We currently have PVCS as our current Source Management tool running on I believe a Windows NT or 2000 Server. We have numerous projects or databases that are controlled by PVCS and each one has an archive folder with all of the Source(Java programs, docs etc) within it. For example once PVCS is started you have to open a database. Once the database or database(s) are selected you can check-out,check-in files to your local drive to be modified and then put back out to the server that contains the PVCS archives. I would like to convert as a test 2-3 PVCS archives to CVS and so far I have not gotten a real good explanation on how to do this and where to find the routine that will do this. If no-one knows how to do this then it would be helpful to just get various sources(Java Programs, Docs, etc and put them under CVS control.
  I have successfully installed all of the above and have read various tutorials and have even gone thru the flash tutorial several times but still need some help. I would like to know if anyone could give me a step by step example of how to do the following tasks which are listed below. 
  1)  Create a repository on a server that all developers can access and test against. - It would be helpful if I could get a simple step by step on how to do this.
  2)  Convert several PVCS archives to CVS or to pull down several different files(Java programs, Text files etc) and add or import into the CVS repositories and instructions on how to check them out. I need to come up with a CVS repository on a server so that our developers can test against and compare features vs PVCS.
  Any help would be greatly appreciated,
  every_thing_freezes at yahoo.com

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