[cvsnt] Re: cvs release does not work

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sat Feb 5 18:57:19 GMT 2005

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 17:20:38 +0000, Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>

>Bo Berglund wrote:
>> F:\CVSTESTING>cvs release CVSMailer
>> Are you sure you want to release directory `CVSMailer': y
>> I had to confirm the y entry with the Enter key and then nothing
>> happened, I got back my command prompt and the folder is still there
>> with the full contents of files.
>Of course it is :) you didn't tell it to delete anything.
>You do release -d to actually delete things...

I should have consulted the cvs syntax document. I just naturally
assumed that release would in fact delete the folder because I see no
other use for the command itself...
When I added the -d switch then the folder disappeared.

Now this problem is back at WinCvs instead, it works from the command
line but within WinCvs the fish never stop swimming until I click the
stop button and then I get this response:

cvs release -d -f CVSMailer (in directory F:\CVSTESTING\)
Are you sure you want to release (and delete) directory `CVSMailer':
cvs.exe [release aborted]: received interrupt signal
***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

This is where I started and it seems like WinCvs is not picking up the
confirmation question. I will have to post this to the cvsgui guys.

And the double confirmation dialogue I got is probably caused by this:

F:\CVSTESTING>set cvsroot
CVSROOT=:sspi:antares:/pc  <== Wrong root for the release operation!

Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) (client/server)
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.41a (client/server) <=!

F:\CVSTESTING>cvs release -d CVSMailer
Are you sure you want to release (and delete) directory `CVSMailer': y
Are you sure you want to release (and delete) directory `CVSMailer': y
cvs release: warning: unrecognized response `0' from cvs server

As you can see my CVSROOT env variable points to a different server
and the response is coming from a server that does not even know the
module I am releasing.
Disregard that part, once I saw this and changed the CVSROOT variable
things started working OK from the command line. And using the correct
command line switches does help!!! ;-)

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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