[cvsnt] performence problem

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Mon Feb 21 10:31:24 GMT 2005

> From: Stéphane Nicoll [mailto:Stephane.Nicoll at bsb.com] 
> I've read about reverse DNS. Can someone 
> explain how I can check if it's working properly?

Disclaimer: There are probably better ways of doing this!

Get a shell or command prompt on your server, and use a tool such as 'dig' (mainly UNIX) or 'nslookup' (mainly Windows) to try to turn the IP address of one of your clients into a name.  If necessary, use 'ping' (or even 'dig' or 'nslookup') to turn a client name into an IP address.

For example, on my Windows server:

Z:\>ping box

Pinging box.melandra.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Server:  raccoon.melandra.net

Name:    box.melandra.net

The key piece is the existence and timing of that bottom response.  If your reverse DNS is working properly, it should be almost instant.  If you get delays or error messages, it ain't working.

		- Peter

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