Fwd: [cvsnt] Re: can't create temporary directory C:\Program Files\cvsnt\Temp\cvs-serv724: Permisssion Denied

Qunfang Zhang qunfang.zhang at student.adelaide.edu.au
Tue Jul 12 01:36:36 BST 2005

----- Forwarded message from Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at telia.com> -----
    Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 07:46:00 +0200
    From: Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at telia.com>
Reply-To: bo.berglund at telia.com
 Subject: [cvsnt] Re: can't create temporary directory C:\Program
Files\cvsnt\Temp\cvs-serv724: Permisssion Denied
      To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org

On Sat,  9 Jul 2005 22:36:30 +0930, Qunfang Zhang
<qunfang.zhang at student.adelaide.edu.au> wrote:

>My os is window XP[version 5.1.2600]
Not enough specific, are you on XP-Home (will not work) or XP-Pro
(works just fine)?

>set CVSROOT=:local:g:\cvs\master

When you do this you are bypassing the CVSNT server...

>cvs passwd -r my-account-name -a my-alias
>password: my-alias-pass

Why are you using :pserver:? It is *MUCH* easier to use :sspi:

>cvs -d :pserver:my-account-name at loalhost:/cvs/master login

Did you mis-spell the string here or is your computer really named
"loalhost"? Normally one uses either the real computer name or
"localhost". The latter is only possible when connecting to the server
from the same PC as the server runs on. But loalhost <> localhost...

>password: my-alias-pass
>nothing happened here...
>cvs -d :pserver:my-account-name at loalhost:/cvs/master status
>cvs [server aborted]: can't create temporary directory
>C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036:Permission Denied

Did you set permissions on the C:\TEMP folder as "Full control" for
everybody, including Guest?

>the filemon recorded following message:
>10:28:30 PM	cvs.exe:4036	CREATE	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	ACCESS DENIED	F9C898\Guest
>10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP	ACCESS DENIED	F9C898\Guest

There you go, you are accessing the system using the Guest account.
This indicates that you are using XP-Home.
XP-Home is *NOT SUITED* for CVSNT since XP-Home is not a server
enabled operating system. Microsoft has gone to special lengths in
order to prohibit XP-Home users from using their PC:s as servers with
proper user logins. The only account used is Guest.

>10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	NOT FOUND
>10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	NOT FOUND
>10:28:31 PM	cvs.exe:4036	OPEN	C:\TEMP\cvs-serv4036	NOT FOUND
These follow from the permission setting of C:\TEMP plus the fact that
you are on XP-Home. Please upgrade your operating system.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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cvsnt at cvsnt.org

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