[cvsnt] Incomplete update.

PGC@scarlet pgcrism at scarlet.be
Wed Jul 13 09:20:25 BST 2005


We are getting more and more problems when updating our sandboxes : not 
all files are updated.

Here is a sample of the messages we get when the problem arises :

cvs update -P ecrivain_paiement.e (in directory J:\bncl\persistance\objets_metier\ecrivains)

P ecrivain_paiement.e

cvs update: checksum failure after patch to ./ecrivain_paiement.e; will refetch

cvs client: refetching unpatchable files

U ecrivain_paiement.e

The problem is getting verrrry hot since we cannot guarantee our software deliveries.
We have no means to be sure an update has been done correctly and *fully*.
We currently have no means of reproducing the problem.

Is this a known problem?
Help is much welcome.

Best regards,

Paul G. Crismer

PS: configuration information

* Server information:
Windows server 2003
CVSNT 2.0.58d
Repositories has been up since 1999.

* Client information:
Windows XP sp2
WinCVS 1.2

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