[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT 2.0.58d CPU performance problems and the lockserver

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Mar 1 22:16:16 GMT 2005

Edward Patterson wrote:
>    We are currently running into performance issues with CVSNT. Even with the AV turned off on the repository directory and the reverse DNS lookup disabled the performance hit after 4 or more cvs.exe processes run on the server the CPU is pegged at close to 98 to 100%. WE tried upgrading to a better machine with a dual, multi-threaded Pentium 4 processor. With up to 10 cvs.exe processes running on the machine the CPU is at 85% but the majority of the CPU is held up by the lockserver process. I find it hard to believe that CVSNT server can only support less then 10 concurrent users at one time. I have scoured the internet for possible performance issues but there is not much out there. Anyone else running into this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

Firstly make sure the AV is truly disabled - turning it off sometimes 
doesn't do what it says.

Check you have enough memory - 10 concurrent users is going to use quite 
a bit...  that's probably something between 100 and 500 users under 
'normal' load though since it's rare for everyone to hit the machine all 
at once, and an update (the most common option) usually only takes a few 
seconds (I've hapilly run 50 users off a 486 with no noticable 
performance problems).

If you're using IDE make sure it's using proper DMA for the disk 
transfers.  Using PIO will murder your server capacity.  If you're 
planning on hundreds of users SCSI is recommended.

Also, performance optimisation is something that March Hare can do as 
part of a support contract.


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