[cvsnt] Re: how to allow administration priveledges?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Mar 11 23:12:03 GMT 2005

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 17:16:10 -0500, Chuck Kirschman
<Chuck.Kirschman at Nosp_am.bentley.com> wrote:

>Chuck Kirschman wrote:
>> This must be a pretty simple thing to do, but it eludes me.  I'd like 
>> for all developers to be able to issue "cvs admin" commands. I am using 
>> SSPI authentication, but I don't want to make them all administrators on 
>> the box because I don't want any of them to be able to log into the 
>> server and do any damage.  Currently I use 2 groups for each repostory - 
>> cvs-myrepos-rw and cvs-myrepos-ro for read/write and read-only access 
>> respectively.  What is the correct way to allow everyone to issue these 
>> commands?
>> Thanks
>> chuck
>Come on somebody - there has to be a way to give people cvs admin priveleges without giving them root access to the server or having 
>to maintain an admin file per repository?  The former is too dangerous, and the latter is a maintenance nightmare.  I really want 
>this to be handled in Active Directory rather than creating a bunch of files.  Is there some way to specify an alternative group 
>such as "cvsadmins" to do the same thing?
>I'm running cvsNT 2.0.58d on WinNT.

Create a text file CVSROOT/admin (no extension of course)
Then list the logins you want to give admin access to CVS in this file
(one user per line).

This makes them CVS admins without making them Windows admins.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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