[cvsnt] Re: keyword substitution help.

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Mar 15 22:39:34 GMT 2005

Lehman, Curtis wrote:
> Is the following a bug in CVS or proper operation. When I check out the
> project I do a 
> cvs -q update -k v -P (in directory C:\projects\foo\) 
> Note the keyword substitution -k v. I need this because the headers files
> I'm doing a release for are getting delivered to our customer and they then
> import those files into there cvs. I have to convert the $id:$ field to text
> to avoid import problems on there side.

There wouldn't be problems importing files with keywords on the other 
side... they can override the substitution with a cvswrappers file if 
they want to keep their keywords.

> The problem: The executable files in the project, the ones that where
> checked out with the -k v and  are used as part of the build process, are
> corrupted and no longer run. One of the executables having this problems is

This is correct - you just converted them to text files.

> Can I checkout the entire project with one command, keeping keyword
> substitution on my header files and not corrupt the binaries in the project?

The easiest is just to no specify a -k option on checkout - let any 
special options get handled on import at the other side.

You can try -k-k, which might work although that kind of blanket change 
must be done with extreme care.


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