[cvsnt] Latest Updates

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Fri Mar 18 16:03:28 GMT 2005

CVSNT 2.5.01 (Travis) Release build 1910

Uploading to releasse servers may take a short while.  Release notes are
as follows:

·	(Win32) MSI installer.  It may be necessary to do uninstall the old 
version before installing this version.  The old innosetup installer is 
still being maintained and is available at 
·	(Win32) Optional support for case sensitive servers.  A device driver 
is required for this which is available for CVSNT commercial support 
customers and to other by arrangement with March-Hare Software.
·	(Win32) Server is now a Unicode application.
·	(Win32) Experimental UTF8 server mode.  This allows the greatest 
compatibility for multilingual projects.
·	(OSX) Resource fork support.
·	(OSX) Installer now installs server and lockserver correctly.
·	(OSX) OSX is now a primary supported platform.
·	(Unix) PAM configuration file is now cvsnt not cvs (on most systems 
rename /etc/pam.d/cvs to /etc/pam.d/cvsnt)
·	Client now handles filename character set conversion by default when 
talking to CVSNT servers.
·	Threaded lockserver for better scalability.
·	Advertisement by Rendezvous/Zeroconf when supported by the OS.
·	Server plugin API.  Applications can now tightly integrate with the 
server execution.
·	Commit helper scripts now handled as a plugin.  The syntax has also 
been extended.  As a side effect pathnames must now use Unix-style 
forward slashes ‘/’ not backslashes – some changes to existing 
installations may be required on Win32 systems.  In particular library 
and COM references are only supported in the triggers files.
·	ACL options ‘all’ and ‘none’.
·	Cvswrappers supports ‘!’ to override default binary expansions.  List 
of known binary file types expanded.
·	New expansion modes –kD for checking out files in DOS format, and –kM 
for checking out files in Mac format.
·	New command options:  cvs passwd –p, cvs release –y.
·	New commands: rchacl, rlsacl, rchown.

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