[cvsnt] Entries data problem...

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Mar 24 07:05:44 GMT 2005

I was just about to check the %t switch for loginfo by creating a set
of files with different branch tags and committing them. While
preparing for this I did the following:
 - I'm in a folder that is updated to a branch Branch_MergeTest
 - I update one file to a previous revision
 - Then I update another file to a previous revision too
Now the strange thing is that in WinCvs the sticky tag column only
shows the sticky tag for the second file (and all the files still on
the branch). So I opened Entries to see what was going on. This is
what I see (newsreader might wrap data):

/AAAFile.txt/ Mar  4 07:22:38 2005/-kkv/TBranch_MergeTest
/SecondFile.txt/1.20/Thu Mar 24 06:52:54 2005/-kkv/
/ModuleXXdoc.txt/1.68/Thu Mar 24 06:54:01 2005/-kkv/T1.68

The HEAD revision of SecondFile.txt is 1.26, so this file should have
a sticky tag entry, but it does not... ModuleXXdoc.txt is the one I
updated last.

And of course WinCvs does not show the stickyness anymore since it is

Both server and client are now

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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