[cvsnt] Prob with CVSROOT/loginfo on 2.5.02

bwhicks at aep.com bwhicks at aep.com
Fri Nov 11 14:34:35 GMT 2005

I had this same problem a while back and it wasn't that the script couldn't
be found, it was that the line in loginfo wasn't being parsed properly. I
can't say for certain which part of the default script gets parsed
incorrectly (seems to be something to do with the redirections or
semicolons, but I'm not sure exactly).

My fix was to make a loginfo script like this:

fixloginfo.pl %{sVv},$CVSROOT,$USER

and then split @ARGV on commas in the perl script (using %s %V %v fails in
some test cases, notably adding folders). I then do an if statement to
determine if a folder was added or if a file was modified, construct an
appropriate message, and send it off to syslog (probably better than
commitlog). The code for all this was posted here about a month ago and
should be in the archives, but I can post it again if anybody needs it...


             Tony Hoyle                                                    
             <tony.hoyle at march                                             
             -hare.com>                                                 To 
             Sent by:                  cvsnt at cvsnt.org                     
             cvsnt-bounces at cvs                                          cc 
                                       Re: [cvsnt] Prob with               
             11/11/2005 06:44          CVSROOT/loginfo on 2.5.02           

Georg Offner wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just updated from 2.0.58d to 2.5.02 Build 2115 on Suse Linux 9.2.
> Everything appearently works fine, but the CVSROOT/loginfo functionality
> seems to be broken. Whatever expression or script I put into loginfo file

> (e.g. DEFAULT (echo ""; id; echo %s; date; cat) >>
> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog, which was the standard example before (why
> it disappeared?)), after an otherwise successful commit it says at the

It disappeared because it was useless... didn't even work on most

> client (WinCVS Exec failed: No such file or directory.
I'd guess the script you're trying to run can't be found.

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