[cvsnt] Re: bad CVSROOT - Hostname required:

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri Nov 18 17:19:47 GMT 2005

Diego Sorensen wrote:

> Hello , I am new to Wincvs and after installing it. I get this error
> when I try to import a module.
> cvs import: bad CVSROOT - Hostname required: :ext:/nsi
> cvs [import aborted]: Bad CVSROOT.
> the only way that works is when I choose the local protocol.
>  Any one can help me ??

Recent CVSNT releases have limited the valid syntax options for CVSROOT
in a way that is incompatible with WinCvs' CVSROOT wizard. You will
have to prepend the username and hostname to the Repository Path field,

username at hostname:/nsi

The resulting CVSROOT should look something like this:


(also take a look at http://livejournal.com/~ogiesen/tag/cvsnt#2910 for
an example screenshot)

Also, are you sure you want to use the :ext: protocol? If you need to
connect via SSH, :ssh: will probably be easier to handle.

Hope this helps.

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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742     (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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