[cvsnt] Re: commit/unedit strangeness

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Thu Nov 24 12:21:43 GMT 2005


thanks Brian and Flávio. With these results, I don't have to do it myself

Anyway, since it worked with earlier versions of the client with my server
version, this seems to mean that the newer versions of the client are not
compatible with older versions of the server anymore. I'm not sure what
that means regarding standard cvs servers. I don't have write access to
one, so I can't tell.

>From this I conclude that if you can't control the server version, you may
have to use different client versions, depending on the server version
you're talking to. So far I assumed that the newer clients would work with
older servers, and this held true so far, but seemingly not anymore. 


Brian Post wrote:

> Using the following version for the client & server works fine for me.
> Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.02 (Servalan) Build 2088 
> (client/server)
> Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.02 (Servalan) Build 2088 
> (client/server)
> It also works with the TortoiseCVS client version TortoiseCVS-1.8.22.exe 
> which uses
> Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.02 (Servalan) Build 2064 
> (client/server)
> Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.02 (Servalan) Build 2088 
> (client/server)

Flávio Etrusco wrote:

> FYI, I can't reproduce the bug (i.e. it works as expected here)
> Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2151
> (client/server)
> Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.02 (Servalan) Build
> 2115 (client/server)

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