[cvsnt] Re: mirror/synchronize cvs repositories (CVSNTUpd) ?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Nov 24 19:27:26 GMT 2005

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 11:27:01 +0100, Bernhard Merkle
<nospm-news at merkleonline.de> wrote:

>Hi there,
>what it the recommended way to mirror or synchronize cvs repositories ?
>I would describe mirroring as:
>	server A does READ/WRITE access, while server B only has READ access.
>- This sould be possible with CVSNTUp or simply copy the whole 
>repository ? (while CVSNTUp seems to be more efficient ;-)
>- Has anyone used CVSNTUpd ? Any problems ?
>- It there a better method in CVSNT ? (so not to use CVSNTUpd) ?
>- Does it matter if A is "normal" cvs on unix and B is cvs-nt on nt ? 
>(or vice versa ?)
>I would describe synchronize as:
>	 BOTH server A and B are doing READ/WRITE  .
>- Is this possible with cvs ?
>(I can imagine all kinds of problems with time synchronization, 
>conflicting changes etc.). I think cvs is NOT designed for distribued 
>repositories with READ/WRITE access, right ?
>So only one master with READ/WRITE and N mirror with READ, right ?

Yes, CVS was never intended for the kind of use you describe.
File revisions would quickly get out of sync between the servers if
you allow writing on both.

A hack that interprets the calls on port 2401 and determines if they
are read or write operations and redirects the write calls to the
master server might work, though.
But someone has to write the proxy wrapper...

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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