[cvsnt] merge error/feature when merging to branch and back

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Fri Nov 25 14:17:17 GMT 2005

Anders Bülow wrote:

> Though this I possible to do on all app. 300 files, it is very time
> consuming, and it is normally less than 5 files which have the problem.
> That is why I would like a workaround. 

I think the only real way to deal with that is to find out which files have
been merged back this way. How to do that probably depends a bit on how
your team works.

One way could be to keep a list of files that didn't get merged back
completely. I keep notes of /every/ merge I do. That would solve this...
and probably people who can't be trusted to do that shouldn't be allowed to
merge :)

Another way could be to identify the files that did have intermediate
merges back from the deploy branch to the dev (main) branch (merge point !=
branch root), and then of those which ones did get merged back only
partially. (That second part is probably more difficult.)


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