[cvsnt] Re: CVSNT across the internet

Jamie McIlroy jmcilroy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 04:04:10 BST 2005

Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 16:38:03 -0600, Jamie McIlroy <jmcilroy at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>>>I am running CVSNT 2.5.02 on a Windows XP Pro machine.  I would like to 
>>>>expose a repository on this server to the Internet.  Users will be 
>>>>connecting to this server via Eclipse.  I can connect local (Host = 
>>>>localhost) but when I try connecting using the fully qualified name 
>>>>(cvs.mydomainname.com), it returns a "Cannot connect to Host" error.
>>>>I can ping the machine using the fully qualified name and it responds.
>>>>Under 'Compatibility Options', All 'Non-CVS Clients' options are 
>>>>selected (I saw this in another post - I believe for the Eclipse 
>>I'm using pserver, 2401 is open.  Still no luck.
> I think you have Windows Firewall active on the server PC. What
> happens if you try to connect from another PC on the same internal
> LAN? Same thing probably. You have to open port 2401 on Windows
> Firewall on the server PC as well as redirectiong port 2401 on the
> Internet Firewall to the server PC on your LAN.
> This works perfectly well for me (has done so several years).
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
I'll try it when I get home from the office, thanks Bo.
I've noticed how active you are in this group, amazing work.  So few 
take the time like you seem to.


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