[cvsnt] CVSNT server on RH linux

Corey Wirun corey at wirun.homelinux.net
Fri Oct 21 15:17:19 BST 2005

Hi All,

I scoured around to try and find any docs on getting CVSNT running on RedHat Linux 8, but couldn't find anything:

I have the 2.5.03 server compiled and installed on linux.  But when I try to login with cvsnt 2.0.51d on my WinXP client, I see this:

H:\apps\personal\cvsnt>cvs -d :pserver;username=wirunc;hostname=nexus:/home/cvsntroot login
Logging in to :pserver:wirunc at nexus:2401:/home/cvsntroot
CVS password: ***********
cvs [login aborted]: /home/cvsntroot: no such repository

So I looked at my linux logs and I see this:

Oct 21 08:07:25 nexus xinetd[24673]: START: cvspserver pid=24909 from=
Oct 21 08:07:25 nexus cvsnt: login failure for wirunc on /home/cvsntroot

I thought it might have been because a repository hadn't been created yet, so I logged onto linux and created one:

[root at nexus]: cvs -d /home/cvsntroot init

Which was successful.

Is there something more that I have to do on the server to get it to work?  Is there any authentication params that I have to set up in the xinetd.d service configuration file, or in the repository for cvsnt?

This is what I have in my cvsnt-xinetd:

service cvspserver
        disable         = no
        socket_type     = stream
        wait            = no
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/local/bin/cvsnt
        #server_args     = authserver
        server_args     = -f -d /home/cvsntroot authserver
        groups          = yes
        only_from       =
        log_on_failure  += USERID
        #flags          = REUSE IPv6
        #mdns           = no # Lockserver handles mdns broadcast

Thanks for any help!!

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