[cvsnt] shadow not executing after tagging, and bug in Plugins.example

Steve Hobbs shobbs at diablo-technologies.com
Thu Oct 27 22:00:41 BST 2005

OK. So after much more reading I've almost got CVSROOT shadow to work.

My line in shadow now reads:
^tools_tree Stable /projects/src/cvshome/cvscommon/tools_tree
(I had missed the hat ^ out)

I'm running on RHELV4.0 and using cvsnt- both server and client
in pserver mode.

Now the shadow file works when I commit something, but when I actually move
the Stable tag on the file, the shadow line doesn't execute.

The code in checkout_trigger.cpp looks like it supports it.
        if(g_command!="tag" && g_command!="rtag" && g_command!="commit")
                return 0;

Any suggestions?

There is also a bug in the Plugins.example. It reads:
#CommitTrigger=0                # Enable CVSROOT/shadow
When I believe it should be:
#CheckoutTrigger=0              # Enable CVSROOT/shadow

As is suggested in checkout_trigger.cpp by:



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