[cvsnt] Moving module to another CVSNT server with its audit entries.

Andy Southby asouthby at removethis.drumgrange.co.uk
Fri Oct 28 09:39:36 BST 2005


I wish to move an entire module from one CVSNT server to another with its 
audit entries.

The setups of the two servers are idetical:
CVSNT (client and server)
MySQL 4.1
XPPro (client and server)

I understand that just moving the entire module tree from one CVSNT 
repository directory to the other works and have done it before. However 
since then I have enabled the audit facility and would like to transfer the 
modules audit history to the new repository.

I think this is theoreticaly posible by scripting the extraction of data 
from one audit database and importing it to the target audit database. 
However having said this I can envisage a situation where the 'CommitID' and 
'SessionID' columns may then contain entries that match which should be 
unrelated thus breaking the data integrity.

Is this a valid assesment? and if so does anyone know of an alternative 
mechanism I could use?

Thanks in advance,

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