Ananda Rabi Dhar ananda_metain at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 9 11:09:20 BST 2005

Thank you Peter!
You have understood my problem. I give you some specific details and expamples for the sake of illustration. I feel I am going wrong in some basic settings, and it is not the problem with buggy WinCVS versions. I am trying also with WinCVS 2.0 but to get the same outcome!
My problem: 
I am using all machines with Windows XP. server is configured say on Machnie1.
I install a combination of WinCVs and CVSNT in Machine2 which is a client.
I do not have to set anything in CVSNT Control Panel in the client, I guess; do I ?
I see both services CVS.exe and CVSlock.exe are running on the client. There is no repository created on the client through CVSNT Control Panel (as I did for the server successfully)
Now I use any CVS command on Machine2 (client) with CVSROOT as server as host and user name (say john) as a system user in Machine1(server), say login (cvs login). If I enter password it is displaying that the party connected did not respond for some amount of time  (error- connection timed out). (I login (system login) in Machine2 with diiferent login name other than "john")
I think now the problem is well understood.

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