[cvsnt] Re: cvs server: warning: new-born newfile.txt has disappeared

Daniel Lapolla ldlapolla at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 19 19:16:33 BST 2005

Tony Hoyle wrote:
> Daniel Lapolla wrote:
>> Imagine that developer 1, working on CR 12345 creates the branch 
>> br_cr_12345 on files A and B, and adds C directly in that branch.
>> CR 12345 goes through testing and the tests fail.
>> But Developer 1 is sick and Developer 2 must carry on the work on cr 
>> 12345. So the first step in order to developer 2 make the necessary 
>> corrections in CR 12345 is to retrieve br_cr_12345.
>> The procedure I stated in my initial post is what Developer 2 used to 
>> do to retrieve the cr.
> That works fine for me (and others presumably) and is exactly what I do 
> to merge branches.
> I can only imagine you're doing something different to the normal merge 
> sequence - normally it'd be
> cvs up -A
> cvs up -j branch

Yes, it works fine for merging. But I do not want to merge the branche, 
I want to retrieve the branch, and I'm unable to update a file that is 
scheduled for adition (after the merge) back to its branch. The only 
thing I got in that situation is: cvs server: warning: new-born 
newfile.txt has disappeared!


> Tony

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