[cvsnt] Re: How to Import module without modify the tag

Lehman, Curtis CLehman at carrieraccess.com
Fri Sep 30 21:49:20 BST 2005

>>Is there any way I can prevent the tag being update by the CVS?
>>What I want to do is to compare the source from my own with the
>>original, however with this tag different, almost every file show
>>I am currently using wincvs which location in my personal desktop.
> You are not talking about tags at all!
> Tag is a way cvs uses to mark a set of files as connected to each
> other across many revisions.
> What you are talking about is keyword expansion which you should
> switch off during updates and checkouts. There is a switch for this in
> these commands (I am not sure of the exact usage since we never have
> any keywords in our files and so do not need these switches.)
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

>I think you want to add the -k-v option to your checkout or update. This 
>should prevent the keywords from being expanded during checkout or update.

Beware, I'm having the same issue on two different projects at where I work.
Below is what I have learned so far.

One project, I have to release code as a library from one project and import
it on another project. Since I only have a few header files, use the -kv
option on the checkout/update to solve this problem.

On the other project, I haven't found away around the project. Again the
code is being exported from one project, this time a contract who is also
using CVS and the $id$, and me importing it into my project. They can't use
the -kv option because they have hundreds of files, a good deal of which are
saved as binary files. When you checkout/update/export using the -kv option
on a project it does that option for all the files, i.e. including the
binary ones. The binary files are getting corrupted because the -kv option
causes them to be tread as text files. 

If you could, please be sure to post any work around you find. It might help
me with my scenario.


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