[cvsnt] Re: Lost keyword expansion setting after multiple merges with added files

Oliver Koltermann okoltermann_deletethis_ at gmx.de
Wed Apr 5 08:15:14 BST 2006

Hello Glen,

Glen Starrett <glen.starrett at march-hare.com> writes:

> I can't repro the behavior with the steps provided.  Can you provide a
> script to repro the problem?

I'm not a batch-file expert, but the following "test.bat" - called in
an existing sandbox directory - reproduced the problem for me:

-----test.bat START-----
@echo off
md mergesticky
cvs add mergesticky
cvs update -A mergesticky
cd mergesticky
echo binary >BinaryMerge.txt
cvs add -kb BinaryMerge.txt
cvs commit -m "Baseline version" BinaryMerge.txt
cd ..
cvs update -rsomebranch -jHEAD mergesticky
cvs status mergesticky/BinaryMerge.txt
cvs update -rsomebranch -jHEAD mergesticky
cvs status mergesticky/BinaryMerge.txt
-----test.bat END-----

Please note the Sticky Options in the two "cvs status" outputs.

Best regards,
O. Koltermann

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