[cvsnt] Re: tracking 3rd party sources/branching/merging issues

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Apr 9 22:02:43 BST 2006

On Sun, 09 Apr 2006 16:56:38 -0400, douglass_davis at earthlink.net

>I am using wincvs
>I'm trying to understand the import process.  I saw this in the manual:
>"For files that have not been modified locally, the newly created 
>revision becomes the head revision."
>Say this is my 2nd time importing and i've never changed this particular 
>file.   revision  now becomes the head revision.
>Which is ok, but now if i make any changes to the code, it gets changed 
>in the vendor branch not the main trunk. I thought only changes that the 
>3rd party makes are supposed to be in the vendor branch, and my changes 
>are supposed to be in the main trunk.
>This seems like a problem to me, if i import code next time, it will put 
>those changes in or whatever, possibly obscuring my changes in 
>Is thee a way i can change the head revision back to 1.1 (main trunk) so 
>i will be changing code there? Considering the main trunk isn't 1.1 with 
>all files.  Is there some kind of special keyword to check out the main 
>Or is this not necessary?

Use the normal procedure of merging the branch files back to HEAD.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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